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Develop more persuasive speeches

When we talk about charisma and persuasion, we should be careful about the fact that we are NOT talking sympathy or being nice. There is a lot more about it. It is based on convintion, on being a role model, on motivating others. Sometimes clients ask me how they can learn and practice on their own.

Here a technique we use in this case to find out which characteristics you can add to persuasive speeches. According to my experience and the feedback of some clients, it works.


  1. Choose a topic you enjoy talking about : Is there anything you are really convinced about? Everybody has ideas and beliefs, think shortly of something that is YOURS, according to your experiences and emotions.
  2. Write down shortly what is convincing you about this topic. Experience? Facts? Now talk freely in front of a mirror about the topic using the argumentations you wrote down. Talk more than two minutes, try to go deeper and deeper, explain also what you think is very easy. Maybe you can record your speech, it would be great.
  3. Now think of a topic that your are convinced about, but it is not really related to your life, something a little bit far from your actual emotions. Write down as well some points you think are convincing you, like in point one. Now explain them in front of the mirror and maybe record you as well.
  4. Now listen to the speeches carefully.
  5. Try to find out the differences between the two speeches. Any change in the voice pitch? in the breaks you did? in the speech pace? in the wordings? do you remembre the gestures you used? which is the speech who is giving the impression of engagement? which emotions can you hear? are you hesitating sometimes?
  6. Now decide which speech you like the most and try to explain yourself why. Maybe the one with more emotions? or the one with less filling words?
  7. Think of which type of speech could be adecuate for which audience. Your target group will decide what is good or not, but knowing your target group in advance you can decide HOW to speak and WHAT to say.

Learning from comparing speeches and finding out persuasive characteristics is a technique you can use on your own. Learn from your experiences, reflections and observations. When it is clear to you which factor you want to include in your next free speech or presentation, it will be easier to do it and, the most important thing, in a concrete way. It is not just about “I want to be self-confident”, but about WHAT exactly is giving the impression that you are self-confident.

I wish you great speeches and successful presentations.

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