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Have happy holidays!

How to have happy holidays…

Here in Spain Summer came already last month, and actually we had a great May as well. Since I have been living here I can tell that the Summer mood exists: in the hottest days it is hard sometimes to work in the office without going out in the sun even if it is only for few minutes. Work is nicer if I know that after the office hours I will be spending the evening at the beach drinking something with friends. But now, I will have some days off, and I am looking forward to spending happy and relaxing days.

cocktail-Elena TecchiatiI have been wondering though how I can make my holidays the best and happiest ever… Holiday is about yourself, is about enjoying life. For some people it is about family, for some others it is important to visit new places and for some others sleeping and relaxing is the “must” of these days. Everyone has got his/her own priorities.

What do you need exactly?

I remember someone told me long ago: if you know what you need, than you know what you should look for. I thought it was nothing special, but even though it is so easy, it is not really the easiest thing to do. Do you need to rest? Plan your days so that you can rest a lot, sleep well and hydrate your body. Take your time after lunch and do the things that you really want to do. Do you need to spend time with your family? Plan long lunches talking and chatting with them, spend time outside doing also the things that they enjoy doing, so that you can feel closer to them.

What’s new?

Holidays are a great chance to try something new, a new restaurant, new food, new sunscreen, new body cream, new fragrance… or to see something new, maybe a museum, maybe a new city…

Who are you?

Make new contacts is always important, not because of the job or the career, but for ourselves. Holidays can be a great opportunity to meet other people, share some moments with them, as we do not have the stress of professional appointments and other obligations. Make the best out of it, it is good for self esteem as well.

When should we do it?

In holidays I like not to plan a lot, and many persons share the same idea. Enjoy the time, enjoy the peace, enjoy the relaxing hours and if you don’t feel like going to the museum, well you will go another time…

Water please!!!

In the hottest days don’t forget to drink water and to hydrate your body, eat fresh food and rely on your food intuition: is it good for me now? In the hottest days we need a different type of food than the wintertime. Stay healthy and enjoy the time.

Well, I hope you will have a nice Summer time, it doesn’t matter where you are spending your vacations. And never forget, it is up to you if this holiday will be the best ever…



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