For those who live in the past
“Maybe I should have done it…”
If we look back we will find moments and situations in our life that required a choice, required to choose a certain direction of actions and for many reasons some of these decisions were not easy.
But looking back is not the solution. We are the results of what we do, what we say and how we behave. It is not easy to welcome changes, but nothing stays still, everything is changing, every single part of us is changing every day, every moment of our life. For those who live in the past a change can be more than welcome.
Living in the present and learnig how to live here and now is a matter of mindset and attitude. Showing a positive attitude through a positive way of living and communicating will make you happier and satisfied. There are a lot of things we can do to enhance this way of thinking, and communicating a certain behavior will bring back positive behavior as well.
-Talk about your future plans
What is coming next? Having concrete goals always present will help you focusing on the future path. But don’t use the future tense: act as the future were already present.
–Visit a new city
Sometimes you don’t have to go very far to see something new. Visiting new places will enhance your creativity and will open up new horizons.
–Invite a friend for lunch
Chatting and laughing is the best therapy agains “past-sickness”. Inspire others through a positive and friendly attitude.
Start your day with stretching and smiling: happyness hormons will flow through your body.
–Greet enjoying the moment
When you do something, be aware of it and enjoy doing it. Greet not only raising your hand or saying “hallo” with a face that expresses something like “I-have-to-greet-you-but-I-would-rather-go-back-to-bed”! Smile, turn your body towards the other person, show interest and be present.
–Chat a little bit with your neighbour next time you’ll see her/him.
Exchange some nice words, communicate your positiveness and be friendly, everything will come back one day.
Changing your attitude, learn to live here and now. Concentrating on the present will allow you to avoid waste of time, will make you happy enjoying life, and will be more successful, because paying attention to what you do will make you more effective.